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How it works

Guests login to the network using their social media or Google profile, email address, phone, voucher code or by submitting payment. 


The payment feature creates a new stream of revenue using built in integrations.


The flexibility of the system allows us to make the best decisions to meet your needs.


Profile information is securely stored and can be accessed through the dashboard to build targeted audiences and like a like audiences.


Connect long after guests depart through direct to consumer email/ SMS campaigns through automated triggers.

Device isolation keeps guests safer while on the network. 
One device cannot see any other device for an added layer of security.

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Heat Map Tech

Get real-time data on footfall and find out where people are congregating with information on how long they stayed in specific areas. 


Set up real-time alerts when a pre-set number of devices are perceived in an area. This features is customizable and designed to fit your needs. 

The Ads platform monetizes your guest network.
Increase your sponsorship and cross promote with other businesses.

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Who is This For?

This is also for...

Concert promoters
Local Businesses
Food Trucks
and more...

Book a Demo or Discovery Meeting

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© 2024 by Multi-Services International. 

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