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Mountain Sunset


Enthusiasm for doing something. Whether intrinsic or extrinsic, motivation is what drives us to do the thing. We find motivation and drive in a number of ways throughout life. Motivation can lead to greatness in a healthy framework or destruction in an unhealthy one. Company culture is solidified when each member of the work community holds personal responsibility with positive intrinsic motivation as well as a shared motivation with the work community. A shift in perspective can shift the culture and improve productivity.


“If you aren’t moving forward in your life there is some idea, mode of action, or habit you’re so in love with you won’t let go of it.” -Jordan Peterson

Motivational Presentation Topics

Available in English and Spanish

  • Perseverance

  • Growth Mindset

  • Building Resilience

  • Overcoming Anxiety

  • Personal Growth

  • Continuous Improvement

  • Health and Productivity

  • Goal Setting

  • Building a Purpose

  • Emotional Intelligence

  • The Power of Gratitude

  • Overcoming Adversity

  • Finding Happiness Within

  • Pursuing Your Dreams

Meet Luis.png


Now booking for corporate engagements, retreats and educational settings.


For more information, fill out the form below or email Dora.

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